
Here you can find every detail about staking.


There are various percentage of APY based on how long the time of lock is. The reward will be allocated to your wallet once the staking period is finished. Here's the full list:

Amount & Length

Here you can choose the amount (maximum 2.5 MLN for each wallet) and the length of the locked staking (from 1 Month to 5 years). You can add $WINE to an active stake at the same duration but unstaking countdown will restart.

Here you are able to select your Wine's NFT. This will boost your APY based on the rarity of your NFT.

Total Value Locked & Participants:

This section displays the exact quantity of staked tokens and the number of participants in the staking platform. This is useful to see how the community is acting.

High TVL = Benefit for the project as it can be shown on some important yeald project website.


This section shows your estimated:

  • APY (Annualised Percentage Yield)

  • Reward (Quantity of passively earned tokens)

Staked + Unstake:

Here is displayed your staked amount, the NFT that is used and your reward. There's the possibility to unstake your tokens before the lock deadline, this process require a 20% tax fee and your reward will be lost.

Last updated